Nigeria’s Transcorp says on track for 850 MW capacity this year

Lagos, Nigeria (Capital Markets in Africa) – Nigeria’s Transcorp is on track to boost its power generation capacity to 850 megawatts (MW) by the end of 2015 from 610 megawatts last year, the company’s chief executive said on Friday. Transcorp, which also has interests in hotels, oil and gas, was one of several firms to buy government power assets two years ago, sold as part of a privatisation meant to end decades of blackouts in Africa’s…

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Blackstone eyes opportunities in African power shortages

Blackstone eyes opportunities in African power shortages

DAKAR (Reuters) – Private equity will play a key role in developing Africa given the massive needs for capital on the continent, says Blackstone Group, which is focusing on infrastructure projects involving power generation and transmission. CEO Steve Schwarzman said he would continue to seek partners like Aliko Dangote — Africa’s richest man, with whom Blackstone has a $5 billion joint venture — to ensure that Blackstone’s experience and deep pockets are matched by local…

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Boosting Solar Energy Capacity in Africa

Boosting Solar Energy Capacity in Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is rich in energy resources but its potential remains mostly untapped. Despite the abundance of sunlight, solar projects have been developed slowly and often inefficiently.Weak competition and high transaction costs are some of the obstacles that hamper the progress of the technology.In a continent where most people live without electricity, expanding the supply of energy has become an imperative that cannot be delayed. To meet projected demand, Africa needs to increase its power-generation…

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