LAGOS, Nigeria, Capital Markets in Africa: The key to unlocking Africa’s growth potential The continued downturn in global commodities prices has, according to the World Bank’s Africa’s Pulse April 2016 report, reduced Sub-Saharan Africa’s economic growth to 3% in 2015 from 4.5% in 2014. Despite this fall, Africa’s economic growth of 3% for 2015 is higher than the global average growth rate. It is undeniable that developing the continent’s road, rail, power and urban infrastructure…

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Impacting Investing: An Innovative tools to drive Infrastructure in Africa

Impacting Investing: An Innovative tools to drive Infrastructure in Africa

LAGOS, Nigeria, Capital Markets in Africa: Africa’s infrastructure gap It is a well-documented fact that there exists a significant infrastructure deficit in Africa1 to support the continent’s expanding economies, rapid urbanisation, and surging trade levels. While total spending in infrastructure is growing at a rapid pace globally, Africa’s share continues to remain stagnant. As a result, economic growth in many African countries is constrained by poor infrastructure, particularly in energy and roads3 . In addition,…

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Delivering Successful Infrastructure Projects through Public Private Partnerships

Delivering Successful Infrastructure Projects through Public Private Partnerships

LAGOS, Nigeria, Capital Markets in Africa: What are the challenges in implementing successful and sustainable infrastructure projects in Africa? Why do projects take so long to become a reality? Surely one of the biggest challenges for Government Authorities is the organization and administration of a framework that will reduce bottlenecks and facilitate project promoters to address risks appropriately, such that projects can proceed. Over the past ten years, more African countries have recognized the advantages…

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Infrastructure | South Sudan Seeks $1.9 Billion Chinese Loan as Inflation Rockets

Infrastructure | South Sudan Seeks $1.9 Billion Chinese Loan as Inflation Rockets

South Sudan, Capital Markets in Africa: it’s seeking a $1.9 billion loan from China to develop its oilfields and roads, as the war-torn African country battles inflation that exceeded 660 percent last month. Foreign Minister Deng Alor Kuol requested the financial assistance during arecent visit to the Asian nation and the Export-Import Bank of China “is working on this loan,” ministry spokesman Mawien Makol Arik said Tuesday by phone from the capital, Juba. South Sudan has sub-Saharan Africa’s…

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Unlocking Regional Energy Infrastructure Development through Market Integration

Unlocking Regional Energy Infrastructure Development through Market Integration

LAGOS, Nigeria, Capital Markets in Africa: Regional energy infrastructure is a key enabler for regional energy markets. Africa has huge potential to grow its energy markets hence the need to develop robust regional energy infrastructure. To do this requires heavy investment in the production, transportation, and distribution of energy products to end users. Considering the existing high level of commitment by African countries and regional institutions, which have prioritized energy as a priority sector and…

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Infrastructure | Developing Transport, Energy and ICT Infrastructure in Uganda

Infrastructure | Developing Transport, Energy and ICT Infrastructure in Uganda

LAGOS, Nigeria, Capital Markets in Africa: In his reading of the National Budget Speech 2016/17 on 8th June this year, Finance Minister Matia Kasaijia noted that funding strategic transport, energy and Information Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure was a key priority of the Ugandan Government. Kasaijia said that infrastructure development contributed immensely to increased productivity by facilitating efficient connectivity and easing the movement of goods and the provision of services. Infrastructure funding currently comprises about 32.8%…

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Plugging Africa’s Infrastructure gap through Public Private Partnerships

Plugging Africa’s Infrastructure gap through Public Private Partnerships

LAGOS, Nigeria, Capital Markets in Africa: Africa is widely acknowledged as being the ‘preeminent emerging markets investment destination’ attracting global investors across all sectors. Investors seeking relatively higher risk-adjusted returns are appraising opportunities across the consumer sector, services and Infrastructure. However, one of the key constraints to economic growth in Africa is the lack of adequate and well-maintained infrastructure. Various studies on the infrastructure deficit have been carried out by multi-lateral agencies most notably a…

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